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Flugaufnahmen Insel Rügen:

Bäderbahn MOLLI


Bäderbahn MOLLI -- aus Mecklenburg- Vorpommern. Verbindet Kühlungsborn und Bad Doberan.

Rasender Roland

auf Rügen

Kleinbahn Rasender Roland auf Rügen -- Kurzer TRAILER.

Rügen von Oben


Rügen von oben. TRAILER mit Ton.

Insel Rügen Schaprode


Schaprode ist der Hafen für die Fähre nach Hiddensee. Direkt vor Schaprode befindet sich die Insel Öhe. Weiter südwestlich ist die Insel Ummanz zu sehen.

Straßen auf Rügen


Neuholstein, ein paar Häuser mitten zwischen riesigen Felern. Und mit langen schnurgeraden Straßen.

Halbinsel Wittow


Aufnahmen an der selben Aufstiegsposition, wo bereits 2014 Aufnahmen entstanden. Hier sieht man die Fortentwicklung der Technik.

Insel Hiddensee


A view from Island Ruegen to Island Hiddensee. Starting location was a parking ground at the costal line.

Insel Hiddensee

Blick auf Hiddensee

A view from Island Ruegen to Island Hiddensee. Starting location was a parking ground at the costal line.

 Halbinsel  Bug


Lands end at the peninsula Bug. Former used by GDR Navy it is now a closed national park. The starting point was at the smallest part of the island. Here the land between baltic sea and inland sea is less then 50 meters.

  Halbinsel  Wittow


The peninsula Wittow is about 4 - 5 Kilometers wide. On 2 sides is the baltic sea on the other sides the inland sea called Jasmunder Bodden. At a height of 80 Meters you see the shore on every side of the peninsula. Starting point was a intersecting in the middle of the street between Wiek and Breege.

Flug zwischen den Inseln 


A view to the peninsulas Wittow and Bug an the Island Hiddensee in the baltic sea. Starting point was the shore near the village Vaschvitz on Island Ruegen. You see in a distance the white ferry crossing the Rassow Gap connecting Wittow and Ruegen.


Morgenstimmung 2013

Recorded near Wreechen on the Island of Ruegen early in the morning. You see the village Wreechen ahead. Behind the Village you see the baltic sea. To the right you see the typical row of trees on the alley streets of Ruegen island. Just in front of these trees is the walkway which was the postion of the pilot.

Rasender Roland


Recorded near train station Lauterbach on Ruegen island. You see the station on the left side of the picture. The train is on the way to the last stop Lauterbach Mole just on the seaside. The train returns in opposite direction after some Minutes on the way to Putbus. The postion of the pilot was on the parking ground, which is seperated from the tracks by a men high hedge.

 Hafen Lauterbach


Lauterbach Habour. In the distance you see Vilm island.

Weiße Stadt Putbus


Die Weiße Stadt Putbus. Ist die jügste Residenzstadt RĂ¼gens mit dessem ältestem Seebad.